What You Should Do After You Register A Domain Extension

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After you have chosen a domain name for your company, there are a few things you need to do. The first step is to register a domain extension. You will then need to work with a web developer, web designer, and copywriter to ensure your site is built well looks beautiful, is functional, and is optimized for SEO.

Why do you need all of this? To attract the right audience and to establish credibility, of course.

After you register with a domain extension, follow these 3 steps.

1. Work With A Web Developer

In order to ensure your site looks professional, to get prospective clients to call you or order a service or product online, you are going to need to work with an expert web developer.

If any of your industry peers have a site that you love, get hold of them and ask them what their process was and whom they worked with. Ask them what they paid and if they were entirely satisfied with the work carried out.

Before you get in touch with a web developer, it would be beneficial in the long run if you do some research looking for sites that you like so your web developer can use them as a reference. This is especially important from a functional point of view because a web developer has nothing to do with the visual aspect of your web site; they are responsible for the usability.

Be specific with your references, making notes on precisely what it is that stands out to you about the sites.

2. Work With A Web Designer

The second step after you register with a domain extension is to work closely with a web designer to bring your visual ideas to life. Again, in this situation, it is best to compile some references. When working with a designer, your input is imperative. You will need to provide much direction in order to give the web designer a strong starting point. What many people don’t realize is that the process is a collaboration from start to finish.

Once you have provided the designer with references to other sites that you like, what colors and feel you prefer, then they will provide you with a mockup of the proposed design.

This can be the most challenging part of your website development process. The reason being that it can take some time for you and a web designer to be on the same page from a visual perspective. There could be a lot of back and forth, but it is par for the course when building something spectacular. So, be patient and open to ideas. It is a collective effort, after all.

3. Work With A Copywriter

Understanding what SEO is and how it will be beneficial to a business’ website doesn’t have to be your responsibility. SEO is crucial to helping a website gain more visitors, but any good copywriter will be well-versed in this.

After sourcing a copywriter, set up a one-to-one meeting with her/him and tell them your story. It would be best if you told them everything; how the idea for your business came about when it was first established, and your milestones. Audiences become invested in a brand the more human their story is, so don’t be afraid to be yourself.

You will then need to outline specific details on your service or product offering and point out what makes them unique. Essentially, you need to arm your copywriter with all the information they need to bring your brand across in the exact way you see it in your head.

Concluding Thoughts

At ShortDot, we are creating valuable content to help business owners stand out online. So whether you need more detail on what goes into building an effective website, or you are wanting to register a domain extension that represents individuals who are revolutionizing the modern world, visit our blog for a wide array of useful resources.