How Trademark Holders Can Work With .icu

The Internet is Changing

icu, shorthand for “I See You”, is a generic new domain extension that will be available for General Registrations on May 29th.

Right now .icu is in a period known as “Sunrise” which is when trademark holders can register their marks before the general public. Time is quickly running out before the general public can secure any available domain name.

Most believe that registering the domain for IP protection is the only reason to register a new gTLD (and we agree that it’s a great way to protect client assets) but new domain extensions are the future of the internet. We’re enabling businesses to grow and thrive in new and exciting ways.

The .icu extension won’t only protect your clients, it will also help build their brand and online presence.

5 things you can do right now with .icu:

  1. Aggregate all of your social media feeds
  2. Direct it to your News or Press site so that your customers can see you!
  3. Tailor a marketing campaign using an exact match branded domain
  4. Launch a new product without searching endlessly for a domain that ‘kind of’ works
  5. Be an ‘innovator’ using one of the world’s newest and most universal domains in the wild

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